Thaumaturgy Rank 1

Thaumaturgy Rank 1
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 1 / 3
Prereqs: 3 Power Points
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Thaumaturgy is the magic of magic. It is the main way spellcasters can interact with ongoing spells. There is a flash of Purple light when it’s spells are cast or invoked.

Special Rules for the Thaumaturgy School:

The Detect Magic, See Magic, Identify Magic, Detect Curse, and Know Your Curse spells have a logistical limitation. If there is no one present who, out-of-game, can inform the caster of the magical properties of an item, then these spells do not work but do not cost the character any Power Points. Also, the first three spells cannot detect the presence or effects of alchemical items.

Thaumaturgy spells work the same on low magic, Nature Magic and Spell Singing. Many work normally on most sorcery rituals.

The word “thaumaturgy” is pronounced “THAW-ma-tur-jee.”

Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: I Pierce the Veil to

  • …Detect Magic        0/1 Power Point      Instant
    • This spell will identify if an object is magical. The spell costs no Power Points if the caster is touching the object; the spell costs 1 Power Point if the caster tosses a spell packet at the object


  • See Magic        1 Power Point        Instant
    • This spell will cause all magic within 5 feet to glow with a cerulean color; the 5 feet is measured from the point of impact of the spell packet. Magic items, scrolls, and characters with latent or active spells will all glow briefly. Only the caster can see this glow and the glow is the same regardless of the power level of the magic. The glow cannot be hidden by an intervening object; a magic ring cannot be protected from a See Magic by hiding it in a pouch.
    • A defense against magic will stop the spell if cast directly at a character, but if the spell is targeted at an inanimate object or if a character is in the area of effect, they can only invoke an Obscure spell to stop the effect. If they are not the target of the spell, they will only know that the See Magic was cast in their area if they have an Obscure upon them, and then they will only know that the spell was cast, not who cast it


  • …Know Your Magic        2 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will reveal to the caster all the spells that are currently affecting that person. The caster gets to look at the all the latent spells on the target character. If the character has any active spells affecting them – Dominate, Enfeeble, Death Slave, etc. – those are also revealed to the caster. This includes any Warlock augmented spells.
    • This spell does not reveal any rituals or curses that currently affect a character. It does not determine any natural racial or natural magical powers that a creature may possess for example, it cannot determine if an elf can resist a Sleep spell. A Know Your Magic spell cannot detect the effects of any alchemical items.

Thaumaturgy Rank 2
Thaumaturgy Rank 3
Thaumaturgy Rank 4
Thaumaturgy Rank 5

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